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Last updated: August 2024

Peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings



Canada, K. L., Mazloum-Farzaghi, N., Radman, G., Adams, J. N., Bakker, A., Baumeister, H., … Carr, V. A., …, & Daugherty, A. M. (in press). A (sub)field guide to quality control in hippocampal subfield segmentation on high-resolution T2-weighted MRI. Human Brain Mapping.


Carr, V. A., Avena, J., Smith, M. C., Lee, W., Schuster, D., & Wei, B. (2024). Work in Progress: Community college student experiences with interdisciplinary computing modules in introductory biology and statistics courses. In 2024 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.


Carr, V. A., Avena, J., Schuster, D., Lee, W., & Wei, B. (2023). Work in Progress: Applied Programming Experiences (APEX) for community college students. In 2023 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. link


Smith, M. C., Carr, V. A., & Wei, B. W. (2022). Faculty perspectives on developing interdisciplinary computing programs: Benefits, necessary supports, and recommendations. In 2022 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. link


Carr, V. A., Smith, M. C., Wei, B. W., & Jones, M. E. (2021). Learning experiences of social science students in an interdisciplinary computing minor. In 2021 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. link


Trelle, A. N., Carr, V. A., Wilson, E. N., Swarovksi, M. S., Hunt, M. P., Toueg, T. N., ... Mormino, E. C. (2021). Association of CSF biomarkers with hippocampal-dependent memory in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Neurology, 96 (10). link


Wisse, L. E. M., Chetelat, D., Daugherty, A. M., de Flores, R., la Joie, R., Mueller, S. G., Shinohara, R. T., Stark, C. E. L., Wang, L., Yushkevich, P. A., Olsen, R. K., and Carr, V. A. (2020). Hippocampal subfield volumetry from structural isotropic 1 mm3 MRI scans: A note of caution. Human Brain Mapping. link


Carr, V. A., Wei, B. W., Jones, M. E. (2020). A Technology Pathway Program in Data Technology and Applications. In 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. link


Trelle, A. N., Carr, V. A., Guerin, S., Thieu, M. K., Jayakumar, M., Guo, J., Nadiawala, A., Corso, N. K., Hunt, M. P., Litovsky, C. P., Tanner, N. J., …, and Wagner, A. (2020). Hippocampal and cortical mechanisms at retrieval explain variability in episodic remembering in older adults. eLife. link


Carr, V. A., Wei, B. W., Jones, M. E. (2020). Interdisciplinary Computing: Applied Computing for Behavioral and Social Sciences Minor. Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Symposium Proceedings. link


Olsen, Carr, V. A., Daugherty, A. M., la Joie, R., … Wisse, L. E. M., for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (2019). Progress update from the hippocampal subfields group. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment, & Disease Monitoring, 11, 439-449. link


Marbouti, F., Carr, V. A., Wei, B. W., Jones, M. E., and Strage, A. (2018). Applied Computing for Behavioral and Social Sciences (ACBSS) Minor. In 2018 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. link


Carr, V. A., Bernstein, J. D., Favila, S. E., Rutt, B. K., Kerchner, G. A., and Wagner, A. D. (2017). Individual differences in associative memory among older adults explained by hippocampal subfield structure and function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 12075-12080. link


Wisse, L. E. M., Daugherty, A. M., Olsen, R. K., Berron, D., Carr, V. A., … la Joie, R., for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (2017). A harmonized segmentation protocol for hippocampal and parahippocampal subregions: Why do we need one and what are the key goals? Hippocampus, 27, 3-11. link


Brown, T. I., Carr, V. A., LaRocque, K. F., Favila, S. E., Gordon, A. M., Bowles, B., Wagner, A. D. (2016). Prospective representation of navigational goals in the human hippocampus. Science, 352, 1323-1326.


Yushkevich, P. A., Amaral, R. S. C., Augustinack, J. C., Bender, A. R., Bernstein, J. D., Boccardi, M., Bocchetta, M., Burggren, A. C., Carr, V. A., ... Zeineh, M. M., for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (2015). Quantitative comparison of 21 protocols for labeling hippocampal subfields and parahippocampal cortical subregions in in vivo MRI: Initial steps towards a harmonized segmentation protocol. Neuroimage, 11, 526-541. link


Carr V. A., Castel, A.D., and Knowlton, B. J. (2015). Age-related differences in memory after attending to distinctiveness or similarity during learning. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 22, 155-169.


Carr V. A., Engel, S. A., and Knowlton, B. J. (2013). Top-down modulation of hippocampal encoding activity as measured by high-resolution functional MRI. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1829-1837. link


LaRocque, K.F., Smith, M.E., Carr, V.A., Witthoft, N., Grill-Spector, K. and Wagner. A.D. (2013). Global similarity and pattern separation in the human medial temporal lobe predict subsequent memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 5466-5474. link


Carr V. A., Viskontas, I. V., Engel, S. A., and Knowlton, B. J. (2010). Neural activity in the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex during encoding is associated with the durability of episodic memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 2652-2662.


Carr, V. A., Rissman, J., and Wagner, A.D. (2010). Imaging the human medial temporal lobe with high-resolution fMRI. Neuron, 65, 298-308. link


Poldrack, R. A., Carr, V. A., and Foerde, K. E. (2010). Flexibility and generalization in memory systems. In Banich, M.T. and Caccamise, D. (Eds), Generalization of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary perspectives, pp. 53-70. New York, NY: Psychology Press.


Viskontas, I. V., Carr V. A., Engel, S. A., and Knowlton, B. J. (2009). The neural correlates of recollection: Hippocampal activation declines as episodic memory fades. Hippocampus, 19, 265-272.


Carr V. A. and Viskontas, I. V. (2007). A unique role for the hippocampus in recollecting the past and remembering the future. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, 319-320.


Heckman, G., Bouvier, S. E., Carr, V. A., Harley, E. M., Cardinal, K. S., and Engel, S. A. (2007). Nonlinearities in rapid event-related fMRI explained by stimulus scaling. NeuroImage, 34, 651-660. link


Knake, S., Halgren, E., Shiraishi, H., Hara, K., Hamer, H. M., Grant, P. E., Carr, V. A., Foxe, D., ... and Stufflebeam, S. M. (2006). The value of multichannel MEG and EEG in the presurgical evaluation of 70 epilepsy patients. Epilepsy Research, 69, 80-86.


Marinkovic, K., Dhond, R. P., Dale, A. M., Glessner, M., Carr, V., and Halgren, E. (2003). Spatio-temporal dynamics of modality-specific and supramodal word processing. Neuron, 38, 487-97. link


© 2024 by Valerie Carr

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